About Us

TBNA is an alliance of Texas bar and nightclub owners protecting its members by providing a platform for all relevant political and legal information.

Bars and Nightclubs are an important sector of Texas’ economy.

Bars and nightclubs comprise a major portion of revenue and employment in the state of Texas making them an important sector in the state’s economy.

Until now, there has never been an association that has provided a strong foothold in protecting the rights and interests of these businesses.


  • In 2020, in coordination with the Texas Restaurant Association, we helped pass the Food and Beverage Certificate with TABC. This gave Texas bars the ability to stay open during the pandemic, and the ability to sell alcohol to go.
  • Defeated House Bill #2757 in the Texas Legislature that would have affected bar and restaurant owners throughout the state.
  • Utilize lobby group to defend the interests of bars and nightclubs and advocate our positions with Texas Legislature.
  • Created liquor liability policy specifically for TBNA members, drastically reducing their insurance costs.
  • TABC looks to TBNA as a responsible owner group to communicate future rules and regulations changes.
  • Facilitates annual TBNA convention with education, training and discussion between industry advocates, leaders and employees.

Future Goals

Produce a quarterly e-magazine containing news and policy alerts for our industry.

Organize new local chapters around the state.

TBNA - Texas Bar & Night Club Alliance

Have Questions?

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